(Mike Osborne) — The GOP dominated Tennessee Assembly has enacted a steady stream of abortion restrictions in recent years.
Most recently, state lawmakers enacted a court challenged law that would limit surgical abortions to roughly the first six weeks after conception.
Now, a new proposal seeks to further restrict a woman’s access to pharmaceutical abortions.
West Tennessee Republican Rep. Mike Bell has filed legislation that would require doctors to dispense abortion inducing medications in person. The pills could not be received by mail.
The woman would have to return to her provider for a follow up two weeks later.
The prescribing doctor would also have to provide so-called medical abortion reversal information. The American College of Obstetricians says the concept is not supported by research.
The bill advanced out of the House Health Committee on Tuesday. It may get a hearing before the full House by week's end.
The State Senate version of the bill has been stalled in the Health Subcommittee since early February.