Stephan Bisaha
The miners have survived more than 600 days on the picket line, thanks to widespread support and anger at their employer, Warrior Met Coal. Even now, neither side seems ready to budge.
Unions aren't popular in the South. That's one reason why a labor organizing campaign at Dolllar General stores in Louisiana doesn't use the u-word.
With support for unions at its highest point since 1965, Democrats hope they can capitalize on that sentiment as they struggle to connect with voters on other issues.
The mailbox was a key reason why labor officials ruled to re-do a union election at Amazon's Alabama warehouse. For the re-vote, the mailbox got moved. The union wants it gone.
A federal labor official found that Amazon's anti-union tactics may have tainted last spring's voting process sufficiently to scrap its results. Workers had rejected unionization more than 2-to-1.
President Biden has aspirations for a new era of train travel. Amtrak supporters hope that a new line between New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama, is just the start. But major obstacles stand in the way.
The resounding vote against forming a union at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama is a blow to the labor movement. It has glimmers of hope but in the private sector unions are rare and mostly weak.