The World Provides Context on Ukraine and Info on a Chilean Animated Film for 3-6-14

PRI's The World - with Host Marco Werman  

We've got more context on the Ukraine crisis today. Natalia Antelava tells us about the Tatars of Crimea and we hear the view from Ukraine's neighbor Poland as well. Plus a conversation about the pop culture that informs Americans views of Russia.

Also today, the upside of failure with the curator of an exhibit called "Fail Better" at the Science Gallery at Trinity College, Dublin. He's full of interesting examples of spectacular human failures that ultimately led to great success.

Marco chats with with Mo Scarpelli, director of a documentary called "Frame by Frame" about photography in Afghanistan. It was banned under the Taliban but has enjoyed a renaissance since 9/11 and the US invasion.  "Frame by Frame" follows some of these photographers as they tell their stories and share their concerns for the future.

Plus, acclaimed author Daniel Alarcon tells us about an animation that brings to life a story by Chilean author Álvaro Bisama. It's about the town  of Villa Alemana where in 1984 a young man named Miguel Ángel Poblete looked to the skies and saw the Virgin Mary, sparking a spiritual awakening that took Chile by storm.

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