Mid-State Agency Responds to Philippine Hurricane, Midwest Tornadoes


MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WMOT)  --  A mid-state disaster relief ministry will be doing double-duty this week.

A small medical and assessment team from Franklin based Hope Forcewill fly out of Nashville headed for the Philippines today. The ministry will also be sending some of its disaster volunteers to help out in the Midwest following this weekend’s devastating tornadoes.

Craig Snow is the Hope Force Program Director. Snow began his career in disaster recovery when he responded to Hurricane Katrina for what was supposed to be a four day stay, and ended up providing aid along the Gulf Coast for four years.

Snow says Hope Force trains volunteers how to perform a wide range of recovery tasks, including simply letting disaster survivors talk about their experience.

“A lot of our training focuses on how to come alongside people after events like this and really help provide emotional and spiritual care. We call it a ministry of presence.”

Hope Force will be sending at least 3 more teams to the Philippines in the coming weeks. Planning for a response to yesterday’s deadly Midwest tornadoes is also underway.

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